Field Day 1999 as WA6MSE

The ARRL says:
Field Day \ noun: 1) Competitive event where Amateur Radio operators set up radio equipment in the field to compete for score; 2) An event to test the readiness of Amateur Radio Emergency Communications; 3) A chance to meet new friends and test the limits of your favorite hobby.

Nigel, WA6MSE, and myself set up for Field Day just north of a town called Divide, Colorado. Divide is on the north face of Pikes Peak and is some 30 miles west of Colorado Springs and at an altitude of about 9100 feet. The view of the peak was inspiring to say the least.

After erecting our beam and all band dipole we were ready to operate. Murphy was thankfully absent for the weekend!

We increased our number of contacts by over 400 from last year! Now if we can only figure a way that two people can operate for 24 hrs without sleeping we will have it made.

One big revelation was that the Dipole was a better antenna for most, if not all, of our contacts. Being in Colorado means that we make contacts from east and west resulting in turning the beam constantly. The all band Dipole (courtesy of an antenna tuner) allowed for us to concentrate on making contacts. Having it up in the trees at about 50 feet didn't hurt either! The beam was limited to 20 feet because of concerns about wind and logistics of two people trying to erect such a structure.


The tower at sunset.
WA6MSE at the controls.
The site with our view of the peak.
Me making some contacts.
Sunset at the site.

And our Summary Sheet