ARCA NET Control Stations (Current)and Days

Mon    KE4MHN
Tue    open
Wed    W3MIF
Thu    AF4JX
Fri    open
Sat    open
Sun    KN4AV

ARCA 2 Meter Net Preamble

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Amateur Radio Club of Augusta nightly 2-meter net on the W4DV repeater, on the frequency of 145.490MHz.

The ARC of Augusta is an American Radio Relay League Special Service club. This net meets to pass traffic, list amateur radio items to buy, sell or trade, to demonstrate emergency preparedness, and to promote amateur fellowship.

Member in the ARCA or ANY organization is not required and ALL amateurs are welcome to join the net.

Your net control station tonight is ________________ (call sign). My name is: _______________, and I am located in: ______________________.

We will take traffic and announcements first. Mobile and short time stations second and rag-chewers last.

*Before you close the net after everyone checks in, call Net Manager, KE4MHN, Terry, to pass your totals for the night. If she is not available, send via email - [email protected]. However, it is advised that if you cannot reach Terry on your night, hold your traffic till another night. You must pass your traffic in "RADIOGRAM" form, with a message number included.

I would like to thank all stations for checking in. This net may activated at anytime in the event of an emergency. Now returning the repeater to normal amateur use, this (give your call sign).