Ramblin' Wreck from Georgia Tech & Zoomie Engineer

Duane (Schulk) Schulke
190 Red Oak Road
Byron, GA 31008

FCC Amateur Radio License: Amateur Extra
Primary Station Grid Coordinates: UNKNOWN!
Primary Station Lat/Long: 32 deg 37.998' N, 83 deg 44.809' W
DX Primary Transceiver: ICOM 756 Pro, 100 Watts
QRP Transceiver: MFJ-9420, 20m SSB Travel Transceiver
DX Antenna Tuner: MFJ-949E
DX Antenna #1: 32-foot dipole, 20 feet up, for 20m
DX Antenna #2: 119-foot Inverted-L/Random Wire, for 10-80m
2-Meter Transceiver: Radio Shack HTX-242, 45 Watts, solar-power, base station

Thanks to W4UXJ ("Marvelous Marv" Moss)...
Here's my Beautiful DX Radio, an ICOM 756 Pro: my ICOM 756 Pro

I'm in the picture on the next page of the F-22A named Raptor 01. It was taken the same day that Raptor 01 made its first flight: 7Sep97. My mug is in the back row -- the balding greybeard with his head in front of the engine intake. We were part of the Lockheed-Martin (Marietta) Flight Test Team, but we were just a few of the thousands of people that it took to get this Engineering, Manufacturing, and Development (EMD) version of the F-22 off the ground for the first time.

Schulk's F-22

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