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Files for the computerized ham

Got a computer?

These are some cool files that may be of interest to the amateur radio enthusiast.

Download some cool CW (continuous-wave, a.k.a. Morse code) applications for your PC.

MorseCat v1.0 - A windows program that is pretty cool!

Super Morse v4.16 - An MS-DOS program that is very popular among hams for CW training.

Realtime Shadow map of the Earth by DCN.com GeoClock for Windows - A really cool program for Windows95/98 that shows where the sun is, what parts of the world are in daylight, and moon phases, etc.

Check out a pdf document I compiled and laid-out which has popular Q Codes, CW, and common abbreviations that amateurs use. (Press SHIFT-CLICK to save the file to your computer). Pretty helpful reference if you are learning and listening on the ham bands.
Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Coordinated Universal Time Conversion Chart - Another PDF file I made that is a quick reference for UTC time and conversions to U.S. time zones.

FCC Part 97 Rules and Regulations (ZIP format) - If you are bored, or are just curious about the official rules, then download this file. It contains the entire text of the FCC Part 97 Rules which all hams are supposed to follow. [Text version]


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