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The Bragging Page

Welcome to the Bragging Page, Where we feature guest Amateur Radio Operators Photos and bios. We would like to feature your photos bragging of your station and a brief story you might have to share.
Please email a short story about yourself along with your call sign and attach a photo you would like to share with others.
The email address is:[email protected].

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NI4L, Chris Fox lives here in North Carolina and we communicate in the evenings on 75 meters. You can find him around 3.919 or 3.920.
He sent in these photos for bragging. Take a look at the10-80 meter am/cw transmitter a pair of 810's plate modulating a pair of 813's final amp in push=pull.4-866A rectifier tubes 2-6b4 and other small tubes in mod circuit. This unit is a homebrew. it was built by the late Coyt Rufty W4MNQ in 1950.

Ed Olena N1YLN Lives in Connecticut. I met him in 1998 on 40 meters. We have stayed in touch through radio as well as ICQ. Ed helped me in learning code and was the original webmaster for my ham page.
Ed has sent these photos for you to enjoy. Catch his homepage in my homepages section.