The following information is for making custom cables for the BasicStamp1 and BasicStamp2. This will allow programming the BS2P40, as well as the others while in circuit! (no need to wait for Parallax to develop a new carrier board , and no need to buy a new programmer for the BS2P40) The second cable will allow 2-way communication with the BS2's. The Third cable is for the BS1. A Basic understanding of these devices is assumed, Please use a little common sense, and if in doubt do not do it. I take no responsibility for any death, damages, or injury incurred by anyone. If you are not familiar with electronics, are uncertain of safe operating practices or are lacking in common sense
(i.e. don't know which end of the soldering iron to hold, etc.), please leave now!

Basic Stamp 2 Programming Cable
RS232 Function RS232 DB25F DB9F cable BS2 BS2 Function
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 8 1
Receive  Data (RD) 3 2 1 Serial OUT
Transmit Data (TD) 2 3 2 Serial IN
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 20 4 3 ATN
Signal Ground (SG) 7 5 4 VSS (Gnd)
Data Set Ready (DSR) 6 6 These two connect
for (LoopBack)
Request to Send (RTS) 4 7
Clear to Send (CTS) 5 8


Basic Stamp 2 Communications Cable
RS232 Function RS232 DB25F DB9F cable BS2 BS2 Function
Data Carrier Detect (DCD) 8 1 *
Receive  Data (RD) 3 2 1 Serial OUT
Transmit Data (TD) 2 3 2 Serial IN
Data Terminal Ready (DTR) 20 4 *
Signal Ground (SG) 7 5 4 VSS (Gnd)
Data Set Ready (DSR) 6 6 *
Request to Send (RTS) 4 7
Clear to Send (CTS) 5 8
* Indicates these 3 pins tie together in cable with no connection to BS2


If the interconnections and passive components are wired inside the shell of a Female DB adapter that has a RJ14, RJ25 (telephone style), or RJ45 (Cat5 style) connector, a single 4 wire phone cable with a 4pin Molex connector on the other end can be used with one DB connector for Programming and another for Communications. Also by placing the 4pin header alongside the socket (aligned with pins 1 - 4) the Molex connector will only connect one way. Molex part# WMLX-102 for the cable end, and WMLX-303 on the board.




Basic Stamp 1 Programming Cable
Parallel Port function DB25M BS1 BS1 Function
Ground 25 2 VSS (Gnd)
Busy 11 3 PCO
D0 2 4 PCI