I've been a licensed ham operator since 1963 when I was first licensed as WN4MSD. In 1964 upgraded to general becoming WA4MSD, a call I held until 1983.

In 1963 I built my first kit, an Eico 723 transmitter. I still have that rig today and it works just as good as it did in 1963. I added a Heath VF-1 VFO in 1964 when I became a general class operator. These 2 are paired with a Drake 2-B receiver from 1966 to form my teenage dream station.

I collect boatanchors, older tube-type equipment. I'll have pictures of my collection with a special tribute to the Hallicrafters SX-28 Super Skyrider. The SX-28 is a magnificent example of pre-WW2 engineering and is a wonderful receiver to use. Also appearing will be various old Hallicrafters receivers, a National NC-183 from 1952, a WW2 era E.H. Scott SLR-12B, several pieces of WW2 era military gear; BC-348 and BC-221. You can view a Heathkit Apache transmitter from 1959 undergo restoration.

I'll also have pictures of my QRP, or low power, radio gear and links to other QRP sites. I've been a QRP nut since 1964 when I made a contact with my Eico accidently left in the "Tune" position and putting out about 3 watts.

You'll also be able to see pictures of my Philco console sets; a 1931 Model 90, and a 1936 Model 620. These are beautiful old radios and still sound great.

Please keep checking back in.



Rick kf4ar