KF2XF's DX Status as of January 27 1999

Band CW
Last New
One Wkd
80 0/0 1/1 0/0
40 10/6 6/6 0/0 V26B
30 24/15 N/A 0/0 ET3AA
20 71/40 296/288 175/160 KH5/DF6FK
15 33/16 166/145 41/30 ZK3DX
10 29/13 213/188 7/4 A6SF
Totals 147/89 305/302 228/211 MIXED
10 October, 1990 1500 UTC:

Well radio life has been generous to me. I do not feel that luck has had much to do with this. I now have 305 countries worked with twelve cards not yet returned. Some of them have yet to be sent out. But I have spent a tremendous amount of time tuning and listening carefully, working what I hear that is meaningful to me and working the rest just for the practice. Now I need to follow the expeditions and be ready when they come up. A couple from the South Pacific sound promising...

The bands seem to be much livelier and 10 meters has been busy as heck. The openings seem to bring out the bad habits many of us have developed. Seems the traditional DX frequencies always have ragchewers up close and belligerent. Ah... that's the nature of the animal, both hobby and participants.

Been spending a lot of time on RTTY and use other modes only when chasing a new one. But I don't do RTTY contests. I heard somethings going on during the recent BV9P expedition that make me seriously doubt the validity of RTTY DXCC claims.

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