Remove top and bottom covers of the radio. Locate the final which is in the rear of the radio mounted against the back heat sink. Change this, which is a motorola MRF 477 to a motorola MRF 497. Locate Q34 a 2SC2086 transistor on the right side and rear of the radio.This is the final driver. Note the direction in which the transistor faces before you remove it. Change this with a NTE340 or ECG340. The 340's pinout is opposite of the 2086, so you need to install the 340 faceing the opposite direction you removed the 2086. Now locate and remove the double sided PCboard, 1/2" by 2" standing verticle in TP4, TP5 and TP6. This board is located in the center rear of the radio. Hook up a DC Amp meter. positive lead on TP6 and negative on TP5. Turn the radio on and in ssb mode key the mic. Adjust VR12 for a reading of 80Milliamps. Now move the negative lead to TP4 and key the radio and adjust VR11 for 80 milliamps. Turn off radio and put the pc board back into the testpoints. Locate VR5, the high power pot. Turn the pot fully counterclockwise, this turns the power all the way up. VR6 is the low power pot. Some radio will put out up to 12 watts low power. Now reassemble the radio and your done. Your radio will put out 35-40 watts.