Hello I am a Ham located in the Flint, Michigan USA area. I took my Technician Exam on 19AUG2017 and received my Call Sign on 28AUG2017. Went and tested for my General Class License on 16SEP2017 and passed, the license upgrade was granted by the FCC on 25SEP2017. As for my Amateur Extra class license, probably will go for that sometime next year at the earliest. I want to have some Ham experience under my belt first.
I have been interested in Amateur Radio since the mid-90's when I was in middle school and seen some Boy Scouts who were earning thier Radio Merit Badge at a Boy Scout Merit Badge workshop I was attending. Being a teenager at the time other things eventually creeped in and to my interest away from learning CW and what I needed to know to pass the exam. As time when on the interest in Amateur Radio was still there though on the back burner due to real life. When I discovered that I didn't need thousands of dollars to get started in to Ham Radio like I had previously though, and could get started by spending less then $100 I figured the time was right. I bought the ARRL Technician License manual, downloaded KB6NU's free No-Nonsense Technician-Class License Study Guide and surfed over to to use the flash cards and practice tests to help me prepare.

My current equipment right now is a Baofeng UV-5R,a Baofeng BF-888s (this has all 16 channels programed for the local 440 repeaters for backup to so I can get on the local Amateur Radio clubs Thursday Night Nets) and a Yaesu FT-70DR that is my main HT. I have a  TYT TH-9800 Quad Band Mobile to use for use as a Base Station/Mobile Station that will get me on 10m, 6m, 2m and 70cm.
*Update* 23FEB2018  Have a Yaesu FT-991A on order from Ham Radio Outlet. As soon as it arrives and I can get an antenna up for it (along with an external antenna tuner for better matching then the rigs internal can provide) I will be able to get on the HF bands.
Currently the antenna I use is a G5RV when at home with an LDG RT-100/RD-100 autotuner setup. For field use I am using one of the MFJ telescoping fiberglass antennas (not sure the modle number at this time) and tripod, rig is powered by a deep cycle battery and 100w solar panel system.

I am currently a member of the American Radio Relay League, Genesee County Radio Club and Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association.
Hopefully here in the next couple weeks/months I will be able to add more and more content to this page.
My Pages:
QSL Cards
Radio Equipment
Shack Decorations
Photos from Ham Events I participated in

Contact me at:
[email protected]
I will try to reply within a day or so if possible.