This is where you will find pictures and links to those people I hold closest to my heart.  My family.

I believe that family is the very fabric from which our society is sewn.  As we strengthen the family, we strenghten our communities and our country.  John F. Kennedy stated, "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for you country."  And I say, start in your own livingroom.  Start at your dining table.  Build strong relationships with your children, your husband or wife, your parents, your brothers and sisters.  This is the greatest work and responsibility we have before us.  Read THIS to see what the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has to say about the family.

My brother Bob has put together a marvelous site incorporating the family and, of course, many things with which he occupies his time.   Lot's of good stuff, but I must warn you.  He offers opportunities to exercise your grey matter.  If you're not accustomed to THINKING then I suggest you watch your step.


Once I get the scanner up and running, I will invite you to take a look at our photo album.


