QRV Wyoming 2007

Starting Wednesday September 12 through Tuesday September 18 I will be on the air from Dubois, Wyoming. I'm intending to set up operations with some combination of wire antennas and a portable vertical. The vertical is pictured below. Easy construction should allow me to operate in a variety of locales while my XYL, Carol is attending an art workshop at a conference center in Dubois.

The vertical is constructed from two segments of interlocking aluminum tent poles. The bottom segment is 63 inches (5' 3") and the top segment is 84" (7" 0"). Various coils allowing operation on 17, 20, and 30 meters consisting of insulated 18 AWG are wrapped around a section of 1/2 " inside diameter PVC which accomodates the tent poles and serves as a way to join the two tent pole sections. The base of the vertical is made from an old camera light stand which slides over a fiberglass rod sunk into the ground about 9 inches.

I use 2 radials per band. Each radial is clipped to the ground side of the coax via alligator clips for easy installation and knockdown.

tent pole vertical, 12 feet tall

base from old light stand

30 meter coil