kd7rem's Out Back Shack
Things that have nothing to do with Ham Radio, almost.
In other words, if you don't like baseball, go Back.
I listen to Seattle Mariners baseball on the radio every day they're playing. And if they're playing on a day that there's a fresh package of chicken wings in the fridge,
this is where I listen to them on my Heathkit MR-18 Mariner "out back" of my shack.
I don't need much of an antenna since the Broadcasting tower for KXLE is practically in my back yard. Sometimes I think I hear them from my teeth.

Download a printable .pdf of the Mariners schedule
Shortwave Broadcast Schedules of Interest for the Iraq War

I write a weekly baseball column called
Hickory, Leather & Spit for our local newspaper.
You can read them all here.

This site maintained by KD7REM e-mail me for questions or comments.
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