The Homepage of KD6TVH

Welcome to my homepage. I know there isn't much here, but I am on summer break and will complete the site before Fall Quarter begins.

When I get back I will use this page to look at the current situation regarding CW. I plan to present both sides in full detail and to determine what course of action should be taken. The future of our hobby is at stake. We must decide on a prudent course of action.

For now, here is some information about myself. I am a senior physics major at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). I have been a ham since 1993 but my activities have been hampered by lack of money and space, two problems all young hams face.

Even with these setbacks, I have managed to discover the following aspects of ham radio which interest me:

Here are a few links that I have found useful:

See you all soon es 73!

Kirk Brown, KD6TVH [email protected]
Last Revised July 6th, 1999