Shack Photos


Weather Corner
Shack Photos


My Shack

Welcome to the shack section of my web page. Here are the radios that I use on a fairly regular basis. I have a wide range of radios dating from the late 50s to 2002. I also have acquired a love for old vacuum tubes as they sure warm the heart and room on a cold day :D.

Whole Shack

This is a picture of the whole shack layout.

Boat Anchor

Hammarlund HQ-170


ICOM 2100H

HF Stuff

Hallicrafters SW-500 and Kenwood TS-820

Brewed Antennas

Antennas I made for 10 and 20 Meters by Ralphs (KA5RUZ) model. Thanks Ralph!

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This site was last updated 10/26/2009
