
We purchased a small plot of land (50ac) out in east Texas in the fall of 2000 and it has at least 6 very large pecan trees. We hope to encourage them to produce by following organic gardening practices. We're not a big time pecan operation but it would be great fun if they produced enough for a few pies to share with friends.

On a recent visit in November, 2001 we discovered that the trees were completely devoid of leaves and that the pecans had been ready for harvest for some time already (don't know exactly how long). We collected a few pounds mostly from the ground around two trees and hope to go back soon to collect more. So it seems that pecan season is November. There seemed to be two distinct types. Either that or some trees were producing late and therefore bore smaller pecans. The small ones tasted as good as the larger ones though.

Comments? Questions? Concerns? All welcome.
[email protected]
(last updated Thu Nov 29 12:10:00 CDT 2001)