PETALUMA ARES / A.C.S. NET SCRIPT (Revision 26OCT03) ALL INSTRUCTIONS ARE NUMBERED AND IN UPPER CASE. 1) AT 1900 HRS. MONITOR 146.730 MHZ., COUNTY NET, TAKING NOTES SO THE INFORMATION PRESENTED CAN BE REPEATED ON THE LOCAL NET. 2) AT 1915 HRS TUNE TO 146.910 MHZ. REPEATER MINUS, 88.5 KHZ. TONE, LISTEN FOR ANY TRAFFIC, THEN ON SIMPLEX TRANSMIT A 0 DTMF TONE FOR 5 SEC. SWITCH BACK TO DUPLEX AND MAKE THE ANNOUNCEMENT: "Please stand by for the weekly Petaluma Area A.C.S. Net." 3) WAIT ABOUT 5 TO 10 SECONDS THEN READ THE FOLLOWING: "Good evening, this is ________ (GIVE NAME AND CALL LETTERS) net control for the weekly Monday night Petaluma Area Auxiliary Communications Service Net. The purpose of this net is to share ARES, RACES, VIP and CAP information. This net serves the Cities of Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Cotati, surrounding areas and also provides relay traffic to the Coastal Relays. Check in is by role-call. You do not have to be a ARES or RACES member to check in, however an interest in joining is appreciated." "ACS, stands for Auxiliary Communications Service." "ARES, is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service." "VIP, is the CDF's Volunteers In Prevention program." " These emergency communication groups are presently interfaced to the County of Sonoma through the Department of Emergency Services A.C.S." "If you need the repeater for an emergency during the net please break in using the words EMERGENCY TRAFFIC when transmitting. Stand by for role-call." 4) AFTER A SHORT PAUSE I.D. WITH YOUR CALL LETTERS THEN BEGIN ROLE CALL. REMEMBER, 146.910 DOES NOT KEY UP QUICKLY. WHEN YOU COME TO THE PERSON WHO IS NEXT ON THIS LIST, ASK IF THEY CAN BE NCS NEXT TIME. IF NO ONE ON THE LIST CHECKS IN PLEASE BE NCS NEXT TIME OR CONTACT SOMEONE WHO WILL. W6AIR KE6LPO KD5FID KF6KYB WB6MVT KD6PKR KD6WYH KF6ZCS DON'T FORGET LATE OR MISSED CHECK-INS AND GUEST CHECK-INS. 5) I.D., THEN RECAP THE COUNTY NET. PAUSE OCCASIONALLY BY SAYING "BREAK" THEN UNKEYING AND WAITING FOR THE REPEATER SQUELCH-TAIL. ASK IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ANNOUNCEMENTS. 6) INTRODUCE THE C.U.L. AND ASSISTANTS, ASK IF THEY HAVE ANYTHING. a) Unit Leader - Steve KD5FID b) Asst. UL - Harold KD6WYF c) Training - Harold KD6WYF d) Packet - Mike KD6LYU 7) INTRODUCE ERIC WB6MVT, AS OUR V.I.P. REP. ASK IF HE HAS ANY TRAFFIC. 8) ARE THERE ANY OTHER AGENCY REPS. WITH ANY TRAFFIC. 9) ASK IF THERE IS A COASTAL RELAY REP. WITH ANY TRAFFIC. 10) ASK IF ANYONE HAS ANYTHING FOR THE NET. WHEN NO FURTHER TRAFFIC TAKE LATE CHECK-INS, THANK ALL THOSE WHO CHECKED IN, TELL THEM THEY ARE ALL RELEASED AND ANNOUNCE: " This net is closed." THEN I.D. 11) GET A COPY OF THE CHECK-INS TO KD5FID SO HE CAN TURN THEM IN TO THE COUNTY. IF HE IS OUT OF TOWN EMAIL HIM AT KD5FID@REPAIRGUY.NET.