Howdy from KD5DKQ!
Valarie | Ham Radio | Fire-EMS | Linux | Colorado | New Mexico | Links

It is not fiction...Angels do exist! This is the Angel in my life! She will be 7 years old at the end of February 2001. In this photo she is showing us the spaces left by three teeth which have fallen out. Click on Valarie in the line of links above to see and find out more about her.

UPDATE - She's lost another tooth...she's up to four missing! At least the food bills will go down...or so we can hope!!!!

Ham Radio I received my No-Code Technician "Ticket" in February 1998. In May of 1998 I became a member of W5SF the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club. The club meets every Saturday morning at the Pantry Restaurant on the corner of Cerrillos Road and 5th St. My recommendation for breakfast is the oatmeal. It's hard to botch oatmeal!!!

Fire-EMS The experience with Agua Fria Fire & Rescue was unforgettable in more ways than one!!!

Linux...Finally a REAL OS!!! This is the page where I tout Linux and how it will help in your Ham Radio endeavors. It will help you keep what little sanity you may left in other areas of your life as well! Really!

Colorful Colorado Colorful Colorado. I will share my readings about and travels in and around the State.

The Land of Enchantment This is the Angel in my life! She will be 7 years old at the end of February 2001. In this photo she is showing us the spaces left by three teeth which have fallen out. Click on Valarie in the line of links above to see and find out more about her.

For Questions, Comments, Suggestions or whatever, contact: [email protected]