South West Missouri Packet Radio Users Group


Hello everyone, This web page will be an attempt to help new Packet operators and provide a point for new hams to find Elmer's. There will be 3 parts to the web page 1) Settings, 2) Operating procedures, 3) Where to find activity.

Please send all suggestions to me at [email protected].

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This is a topic i will be expanding here in the near future to give some help on setting up a TNC. One thing that should be Noted, is that most TNC commands are similar between manufactures, but a few are different. I will be listing the settings for KPC 3/9612, AEA PK232, and Paccom TINY 2 MK II. Most of the other models can use the same basic settings of these manufactures.

First, lets start with timing parameters. The most important being TXD (Transmit Delay) this is the delay (in mili-seconds) from key up to audio being transmitted. 30 is a good value, but the lower the better. I use a TXD of 15 with good results but not every radio will work with that short of a delay.  Here is a few guide lines rigs with relays use at least 35, rigs with electronic switching can usually go as low as 15 but usually work best at 20.




Operating Procedures




Where to find activity