Lake County CW Net


Latest update! For immediate Release! 

For immediate public announcement.  Monday September 1, 2003 at  8 pm EST. We will be starting the net on 147.255+ with a 103.5 PL. Please let everyone know about the starting time and Frequency of the Net. Please include this announcement on your local nets.

If you are not able to hear the 147.255 repeater please call me at (352)357-6087 or email me at [email protected]. We can discuss starting a net in your area.

K4YBB Jim Kelly is gathering interest in forming a CW practice net on 146.580 MHz a few times a week. You can reach him at (352)728-0700 or [email protected].

We are also working on a CW class possibly at the club house. This will be a real "classroom" class, that will be held several times a night. if you are interested please contact me.

WE are in need of NET control stations and alternate net control stations. I have one additional net control, if you can help in this area it would be greatly appreciated. I hope to have 4 NCS and 4 ANCS so that everyone will only have 1 or 2 nets a month. Even if you are not proficient with the code, but would like to help please contact me.



Our Goal

  Is to give those with/or without HF equipment a chance to increase their Morse Code proficiency and therefore speed. We are looking to increase our speed in addition to helping others do the same. This will not take the place of regular daily practice, but will be offered as an enhancement to studying. The code will be sent by machine unless specified by net control. This will give people a better chance of learning the code without the pit falls of hand-sent code. The net control station may decide to send the code by hand but that will be at his discretion. Our hope is to give more opportunities to check your code proficiency. This is not intended to signal anyone out for not being able to copy 100%, but to give you a goal post or indicator of your progress.



Overview of procedures

This will be a directed net, all stations are requested to listen to the directions of net control. 


1) the NCS (Net control Station) will take check-ins and give instructions and procedures

2)  5 wpm (words per minute) then read the text of sent message for checking copy

3) NCS will pause for more check-ins

4) 10 wpm then read the text of sent message for checking copy

5) NCS will pause for more check-ins

6)  15 wpm then read the text of sent message for checking copy

7) NCS will pause for more check-ins

8)  20 wpm then read the text of sent message for checking copy

9) NCS will pause for more check-ins

10)  NCS will ask for a list of stations who copied more than 70%


If anyone is interested in this net and would like more info you can contact me (Tom) at [email protected] or by phone 352-357-6087.

additional info will be posted at



Equipment needed

For listening and checking in to the net the following is needed:

1)  2 meter fm transceiver (preferably a mobile or base due to some simplex practice)

2) Paper and writing utensil (for copying the code)

For those who are not currently a Ham radio licensee you can listen to the net using a scanner, and you are encouraged to email or call me to let us know you are listening.




Additional Info

Anyone who is whishing to practice with a friend is encouraged to contact me or net control for a copy of a schematic for a code oscillator that will interface with a mobile or Handheld radio for transmitting CW on the air on a simplex frequency. When practicing we ask that you use a simplex frequency, so we don't tie up a repeater.


To get the "CW with your HT" article look in July 1997 edition of QST  page 53 or go to


To get the article "A Morse Code Adapter for FM Transceivers" look in the 1998 QST January Page 78 or contact me directly.

More info on  CW learning:  This is a MUST READ for anyone interested in CW. This a good dissertation on the "KOCH" method.





New Subject: Morse Code Practice on 2 meter FM

More info will follow.



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