Every fall the Pathfinder District of the Greater St Louis Area Council holds a district wide Camporee attended by approximately 300 boys. For 2007 I set up my first JOTA station at the Camporee, at Baeumont Scout Reservation. Throughout the course of the Camporee I had around 50 Boy Scouts and WEBELOS stop by to see what was going on. 13 of the Boy Scouts got on the air and received Radio Merit Badge cards and participation certificates. As our troop was packing up to head home Sunday morning a Scout leader from a nearby Troop asked if I was going to set up the radio in April for our Spring Camporee. I told him I will definitely have it at next fall’s Camporee since it always falls on JOTA weekend.

One of the Boy Scouts noticed the radio we were using and asked if it was made specifically for the JOTA. The radio was a Ten-Tec Scout.

I would also like to give special thanks to WØSJS who loaned me the radio and KCØSDV who loaned me the generator to run the station.

Here are some pictures from our Camporee JOTA station. Click on the pictures to see a larger version.

Below is the article that was in the Duffle Bag - the newsletter of the Greater St Louis Area Council.