September 11

As I was finishing up this first installment of The KC9GEZ Page, I happened to notice the date down in the corner of my screen. It is September the 11th, 2004.

Looking back on the past few years, I began thinking of the day in particular, when war was declared on each and every citizen of the United States. It is another one of those days, like the day JFK was killed, that everyone who was conscious on that day can remember exactly what you were doing when you first got word. Myself, I was in the middle of a doctors appointment. This one scheduled by disability to determine my eligibility (actually to try to counter what my own doctors said so they could turn me down). They, like many doctor's, had a television in the waiting room. Unlike most, it was on a channel other than the Cable Health Network. I had been there since 7:00 AM Ohio time and the drive had taken me over an hour. I was finally in the middle of an extensive appointment when I started to hear bits and pieces of something unusual filtering in on the T.V. audio. Over a period of probably a half hour, I started to develop a picture of what they were saying. Just about this time, I was pretty sure I heard them say that a second plane had hit another tower. I realized instantly that this was an attack rather than a terrible accident as it was first reported to be.

I stood up and began to gather my things. I could hear objections from the people in the room mixing into the background hum. My mind was focused on what I was hearing and trying to put together a picture of what I had heard to that point. I walked out of the examination room without a word and into the waiting area. Much to my surprise, I don't think the weight of what was unfolding had soaked in on the majority of those in the waiting room. People at that time were going on about the business of containing their children, Etc., and hadn't yet laid down the magazines they were reading. There was one very thin, balding man, that was locked on to the pictures in front of him. I stood in the waiting room transfixed on the images that were being shown of the large plane hitting the tower, then another plane hitting another tower. I saw a quick flash of a person falling to their death from somewhere near the top of the tower. As I exited the office, I turned to see a nurse standing in the exam hallway with her lips moving and hands placed firmly on both hips. I wondered if she had been saying something the entire time I was in the waiting room.

On the way home, I heard that another plane had crashed on the Pentagon. This was a full on attack. I started to fire up local emergency frequencies to see if anything was happening close by. I called home and put everyone on alert and drove by my daughters school and picked them up. I wanted everyone with me until I learned the reach and scope of the attack.

I had been over half way home before I realized that I would not be responding to one of the attack sites. I had been on an hour long adrenaline pump and was proceeding as I would if preparing to respond. First assess the situation, insure the safety of my family and then gather supplies and head for the airport. I was no longer involved in Law Enforcement. I was no longer an active Paramedic or Rescue Worker. There would be no "Agency" having my ticket waiting. My assistance would not be appreciated. I would be "in the way". My physical condition began to soak back into my mind. With all of the adrenaline pumping, I had been going through the steps of a well practiced response and I couldn't even tell that I was disabled. No pain made it through. It took some time before I actually realized that I had walked out in the middle of a very important appointment. Part of this appointment was to assess my mental status. I could just imagine that report.

All I could really do now was what the majority of us could do, watch T.V. The attack continued to unfold with yet another plane crashing, this time in a field. I wondered when, or if it was going to stop. I could also pray. I had been doing this from the first image that I saw on T.V. I've always had a habit of praying for others to get out alive, and those that couldn't to be taken quickly. We later learned of the heroes of this last or forth plane who decided to take control and instead of sitting back and hoping for the best, decided to have control over the situation, including their deaths. We will never know for sure the intended target of that plane. What we do know is that those brave passengers saved many, many lives. The powers that be in the media put a stop to the pictures of the people jumping. This was shown once or twice early on, then not much at all after that. People jumped, sometimes in pairs, holding hands, to avoid the pain of fire. They made a conscious decision about how they wanted to experience their deaths that day. Unfortunately, many such decisions were made that day.

Some 2800 human beings were forced to experience their deaths as a result that day. This, of course, does not count the wives and husbands, mothers, fathers and children who have suffered terribly after the loss of their loved one, and yes, some have since died. You will never hear about them. You will also hear very little about those who are suffering so badly that they wish that death would come to them. Those still living who were talking to their wives, or husbands when the cellular phone went suddenly quiet. Those who sat by the phone dialing the number over and over for 48 hours without rest while they prayed to their god the the phone would somehow be answered, if even by a nurse at a hospital saying they are alive. The not knowing, but knowing. Hope being replaced by disbelief, despair, unbearable pain and eventually just hope that a body would be found to end the ordeal so you can finally know just what it is that you have to live with the rest of your life.

We all have to experience death at some point. They say that some folks die in their sleep and don't experience it at all. Maybe, but I've always found it hard to believe that there isn't at least a quick moment of realization. Nevertheless, most of us will experience death to some degree. Over the past years, I have seen all of the memorials, the nice clean signs and bumper stickers, pictures of flowers, never forget. There is nothing wrong with the memorials. Some are quite beautiful. All are heartfelt thoughts and wishes from the creators. I worry, however, that the nice clean manner in which the memorials are displayed may tend to put a clean face on some really dirty business.
What I believe that everyone should do is: Sit down in a nice quiet, comfortable place, and imagine what the death experience was like for those who were in those towers, airplanes and the Pentagon. Most did not die quickly. Most had plenty of time to think, to have hope, to find stairways. Some, in the second tower, made it to the lobby only to have officials tell them to return to their desks. They were not in danger and bodies were falling outside from the air. Then, to start to realize that things were not good. To go through the various stages to the point of realization that you may not get out of this. Help may not come in time.  To start to see that this is probably going to be the last few moments of their lives on this earth. You should try to imagine the rapid heartbeat as your pulse races, your fingers tingle, your mind keeps telling you that this can't be happening, not to you! It happens to those other people, you know, on T.V., on the News, NOT ME! The urge to use the rest room grows, but there is no time or place. You think of your husband, your wife, your children, you would give anything to see your mother right now. You want to cry worse than you ever have in your life, but nothing happens, no tears. You pick up your cellular phone and you call your loved one(s). You try to sound as though everything will be OK. You want to scream, PLEASE, I don't want to die! Again you want to cry and somehow the person on the phone will make it all go away! But all you can say is how much you love them, and your children. You try to leave some instructions without being to obvious in what you are doing. If possible, you ask to speak to everyone that is on the other end. Try to imagine what your last words to each person would be. What it would be like to know that you will never see them again. You know you should hang up and spare them the experience of your last moments. You say your good byes, you will see them soon, and you press "END". Everything has so much more meaning now. You are numb in the deepest recesses of your being, yet everything seems so meaningful. Smoke is now filling your lungs. You can feel intense heat but you don't see any fire. Your skin can feel heat all around you. Your exits are all blocked. You get down low, so you can breath better. You realize the heat you are feeling is from the floor! Ouch! you stand back up. You can smell the rubber burning on your shoes. Toxic fumes are beginning to rise from carpeted areas. You are getting dizzy. Your chest hurts, your heart screams. You crouch on your desk as you peer out the hole that was once a wall. Fresh cool air is swirling just outside. In the falling debris you realize that there are people falling! You hear a strange rumble coming from somewhere above. Your chest is so tight you can barely squeeze out a breath. Thoughts of your wife or husband. Things are moving. The ceiling is falling! You feel the sensation of falling and you can feel your body being hit and twisted in all directions but there is no pain, only terror. How very strange this is. The terror starts to subside. Cool air hits your face. Calm sweeps over you as things begin to fade away. Conscious thought slips away to that place just before sleep. This is it.

Now, after you imagine this (don't use my example, imagine yourself in that tower, Pentagon or aircraft), imagine what your family is going through as you die. Now imagine what they continue to go through in the days, weeks, months, years and eternity without you. Who will raise your children? How will your spouse get by without you to protect them?

Don't let the pretty memorials with bright colors and pictures of heroes and the american flag start to replace the horror of the reality of that day. This is dirty, dirty business. It is filled with terror, horror, death and pain. It lingers and fades only so slowly in the hearts of those touched.

Bottom line: Find these bastards. Spend every penny you have to. Take out loans. Print worthless dollars. Use ALL of the agencies: FBI, CIA, NSA, anything that either says the word intelligence, or displays it. Find the bastards and kill them. Not quick. Tuck that bullshit, better than thou, United States morality in a dim orifice. Find and torture these freaks of humanity who would kill the innocent women and children without so much as looking them in the eye. And for what? To what end? Put a clock on the wall in front of them and tell them the moment that they will experience their death, to the second. Let them know that they will be kept alive at all costs during the torture between now and then. Make them long for the promised end. When the promised second arrives, go back on your word. Walk away, close the door behind you. Let that bastard die slowly, alone, in the dark. Every damn one of them.

Every election in this country, between the day that this happened, and the day that every one of these useless bags of oxygen consuming water are caught and killed, should be the simplest decision ever made. Whoever is going to do what it takes to find and extinguish each and every evil soul that had a hand in this declaration of war against YOU, is the one that you vote for. I don't care about Democrats and Republicans and all the rest of that crap. Whoever will get the job done. When you start thinking that crap like the economy is more important, go sit down with a widow and let her tell you about that last cell phone call she got from her husband. Let her 9 year old daughter tell you about her daddy.

We don't need any Jimmy Carters in here, we need a Ronnie Reagan. Someone that will drop a bomb in your living room if your mouth gets too big. When you here politicians talking about cutting back, pulling out, doing it different, Etc., It is time to vote for someone else. It is time for all of these people who have been sitting back pulling a paycheck from the U.S. Government, getting the benefits, bragging about what a soldier you are down at the plant to start earning your pay. This is what all of that pay and free benefits have been for, this moment. I get so upset when I see people on TV complaining because a reserve unit has been called up. What did you think you were signing up for? Just to pull a paycheck and brag about being a Marine down at the shop? You played the odds when you signed up. Now it is time to pay back, and pay up. Same goes for the CIA, FBI, NSA and a few dozen more agencies. Time to get out from behind that desk and earn your paycheck. The rest of you get up off your lazy asses and quit running your mouth at the coffee shop and volunteer somewhere. I just volunteered for SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network). Chances are, if your reading this, you are probably a Ham. They can use all of us they can get. Get up and do it. Better yet, volunteer for the military.

Yes, all of these words are coming from the mouth of a man that could put "Reverend" in front of my name, but just like in the Bible, there is a time to forgive, and by God in heaven, there is a time for brimstone raining down from the skies! If any of our young pilots out there are reading this: If you find one of these evil bastards, you go ahead and rain down some fire and brimstone of your own. You keep that woman without a husband in your mind, and the fatherless little girl in your heart. Burn them, son, burn them.... bad.

I would like to "finish" this first installment of my web page with a memorial to everyone who was involved in 9-11. I'm sure that there are many times still, when they just can't cry hard enough.


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