Future Stuff

There is so much more that I wanted to add, but if I were to wait until it was all done, the page would never be published.

I want to apologize to anyone that I may have offended with my language. I'm sorry, but sometimes there just isn't any better way to say something (or describe someone). If I have offended you with what I've said, well too bad. You don't have to read what I have to say. You are welcome to E-Mail me and tell me all about it if you like, but it won't change a thing.

This is my first ever attempt at a web page and I haven't used any kind of "web page creator" or "helper". I typed in "How to make a web page" one day on a Google search and started reading. The first page I came across said "Open up a word processor and do this". I did, and here it is. What you see is the result of typing in actual HTML language in Windows Notepad (and sometimes Wordpad on the large pages). Later on, I discovered that there exists a "movement" based on using Notepad and using actual code rather than using programs to create web pages. I did not know it existed when I began. There is nothing fancy here and I am sure this is why. I haven't learned the fancy stuff yet, just basics.    
A great deal of what I would like to add in the future are pictures. I would like to add a bunch of my '62 Pontiac. I have several close up pictures of the engine compartment, the "3 deuces" carb set up, the black leather interior, Etc. I just need to get them "digitized". Same situation with some more of the house that my family and I built. I have some of myself at various stages of my life, in different uniforms, Etc. Some pictures of my extensive firearms collection including some that I am no longer permitted to carry like my AK-47 and fully automatic M-16. Even though the M-16 was all decked out and cost around two Grand, I am partial to the AK for flat getting the job done, but that's another page.

I would like to add a page on my new little kitten (not a unique idea I know, and not so much a kitten anymore) that walked up one day while I was hurting real bad and started rubbing my legs and arms exactly where they hurt! I know, it was just a coincidence, right? He couldn't possibly have known that I was in so much pain that I had to sit outside, away from people. The fact that he hit right on the spots that were hurting is just chance. I thought so too, until he laid down on the leg that was hurting the most and purred himself to sleep. Heat is one thing that has always helped the pain. He actually made it feel much less painful. He kept coming around until I finally took him in. I figured out weeks later that the poor guy is mostly blind, really truly blind. I guess there is some kind of element that cats must get in their diet, unique to cats, that if they don't get it, they go blind. It is added to commercial cat food. I guess being a stray, he must not have gotten what he needed. Weird huh? Out of everyone in this town, why did he walk up to me?

Besides tons of pictures, I am going to add a link to my scanning/monitoring page when complete. It will start out with frequencies for my area first (of course) and I will be asking for others to send in information which I will be happy to publish. I have about 60 Meg of web space I need to fill up! I will also be giving hints on where to look to hear the really good stuff. If your listening to the published channels and repeaters for your local Dept., you are missing most all of the good stuff! All you are hearing are things that happen to pop up unexpectedly. Your missing the planned things like drug busts, warrant service, raids, swat maneuvers, Etc. I'll tell you where to go to hear them. I give you the secrets I learned as a listener, and a "listened to".

I want to add a page about MURS (Multi Use Radio Service). This is a new VHF, No License, Citizens Band which is fairly new in the United States. 2 Meter without a License! I say a bit about it in the "Before Amateur Radio" page/section. Also a page about Class A Citizens Band that most people either don't know exists, or think it was just recently approved. This is GMRS. It has been around as long as 27 MHz Citizens Band (Class D). Both became law at the same time. Many people think it just sprang into life when the Family Radio Service was approved. Wrong! The General Mobile Radio Service has been around for decades! You can run up to 50 watts! You still need a license, however. It was never dropped like the Class D Citizens Band.

Well, that's it for now. I have to figure out how to upload this thing to the server! I guess if you see this, I must have figured it out, so asking you to wish me luck would be a bit pointless!

I tried to add links to a bunch of stuff that I talked about. If you would like to see more, just tell me to where and I'll be glad to add them. They are easy to add. I have some in mind already. Anyone who would care to add a link to my page, I will add a link to theirs. Just E-Mail me.

Feel free to E-Mail me with any comments or suggestions.

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