I hate rubber duck antennas.

I got so sick of mine, in fact, that I lost it. Completely on accident!

This was my excuse to build a new antenna.

Goals -

Pictures will be coming soon, once I actually decide to build a second one.

Parts list:

Construction Instructions.

The very astute of you will have noticed that this does NOT provide the typical SMA-BNC adapter that is necessary. These can be ordered from RadioShack (ask at the counter to see the Commercial Catalog, then get to the adapters section, you want an adapter that is SMA male on one side, BNC male on the other - this is the common variety of SMA-BNC adapter).

Performance - I don't have an SWR meter to test it with. HOWEVER.... I did notice about a 2 point increase in receive strength over the duck. Where before I was lucky to hit 1 repeater from my living room (had to do the Rabbit-Ear dance and pray...), I can now hit all 5 local repeaters that I know about, casually, with the antenna in any orientation, with .7 Watts.

Comments to: [email protected]