Good Evening.
I show 20:45 hrs. local time, and with that:
Cq SARA Skywarn / Cq SARA Skywarn / Cq SARA Skywarn
Welcome to the Sunday evening SKYWARN ROLL CALL NET of the Shawnee Amateur Radio Association.

This directed roll call net meets every Sunday evening at 8:45 PM on this , the Shawnee Amateur Radio Association repeater at 146.640 megacycles.

The purpose of this roll call net is to demonstrate test and practice amateur radio preparedness in the event that SKYWARN activation is needed.

My name is _______ and my call sign is ______. I will be the net control operator for this evening's net.

As always, this repeater will be surrendered to any station at any time, having priority or emergency traffic. I will now stand by for any station needing the repeater. Any station having priority or emergency traffic, please call ______.

Hearing no traffic, I will now begin the SARA SKYWARN Roll Call Net.

Are there any stations requiring relay????

If none procede with reading of roll call....

That is the list as I have it.

Are there any other stations wishing to check in to tonight's SKYWARN ROLL CALL NET?

Any stations not on our list wishing to be added to the list?

Are there any announcements or other traffic for tonight's SARA SKYWARN NET?

I will make one last call for additional stations wishing to check in to tonight's SKYWARN ROLL CALL NET?

Hearing no additional checkins:

This will conclude tonight's SARA SKYWARN, ROLL CALL NET.

I will now close the net and return the repeater to regular amateur use. I would like to invite each and everyone of you to stand by for the regular Sunday evening SARA Net beginning at 9 pm here on this frequency.

This is ______ with the SARA SKYWARN ROLL CALL NET , returning the repeater to regular amateur use.

Thanks to Robert , KB9YFX, for providing this preamble. gr