I would like to tell you a little about me first. My name is Chris I am 28 years old, married with a soon to be 3 year old daughter. I was a Communication Specialist in the U.S. Army where I spent 3 and a half years in Germany were I was a Multi-Channel Transmission Systems Specialist (31R). That is also where I met Rachel. I met some hams about 6 months ago and had some time on my hands so I talked my dad into getting an Amateur licence with me, I have always been fascinated with electronics and communications. I have an FT-100D in my 1998 F-150 and a Yaesu VX-5R that I carry on me most of the time. My dad also has a FT-100D in his explorer and an Icom IC-T90A.

I mainly monitor 442.525 until I complete my repeater.

Unit's web page in Germany 22nd Signal Brigade

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On Saturdays at 9:00 pm I like to listen to This Week in Amateur Radio on 147.285 MHz.

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