Timothy D. Erskin


Greetings fellow ham radio enthusiasts! This is my very first web page and I hope you enjoy it!

I know what you're thinking! "Why did he use his passport picture?!?" Well, that is a very good question; and I'm glad you asked!!!

I love to travel and have recently heard about the International Travel Host Exchange (ITHE) program. I would love to hear stories, both from people who have traveled overseas; and those who have hosted foreign hams through this program! As an experienced international traveler I would like to promote this program and possible even participate in it.

International Travel is an eye opening experience. Sure, you've always known that people in other countries lived differently than you, but, only by experiencing other nations and befriending the inhabitants can you truly understand and appreciate the differences in cultures. Only experience can end the stigma in your thinking and truly open the understanding. :o)

There is more than one way to work the world!

Go Ahead and drop me a line!

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