Personal Profile

Name:  Stephen Deaver

Current License:  General Class

License History: 

    Novice License:  July 15, 1995

    Tech Plus License:  January 10, 1998

    General License:  August 7, 1999

Current Activity:

    I have not had very much activity.  Most of my activity is on 2m.  I participate in a Morse code learning net on Friday nights and a SSTV net once a month.  I mainly listen on H.F. although I participated in the IARU HF World Championship 2000.

Current Rigs:

ADI AT-600HP 2m/70cm HT. This is my HT 2m/440 rig.  This is the first radio I bought that I actually used.  It has performed well for what little activity I've done.  I occasionally use it in my car as I do not have a mobile rig installed.  Click Here for a link to the spec page on ADI's web site.
Alinco DX-77T HF Transciever. This is my HF rig. I mainly use it for listening, especially SSTV.  Click Here for a link to the spec page on Alinco's site
Kenwood TH-315A 1.25m HT. This is the first radio I bought when I was a novice.  Since 1.25m is dead around here, it gathers dust.
Yaesu FT-90R Even though this is a mobile rig, I use it for base operations.  I have been very pleased with it.  Click Here for a link to the spec page on Yaesu's web site.

  Current Antennas:

    Hustler 6-BTV 

    Hustler MKR-2
