Reid Hill   1042 Burkshire Dr   Corpus Christi   Texas   78412

Nueces County   EL17HR   CQ Zone 04   ITU Zone 07

ARRL SS 2002
Home Up ARRL DX 2002 CQ WPX 2002 IARU HF 2002 Texas QP CQ WW 2002 ARRL SS 2002 ARRL 10M 2002 ARRL RR 2003 ARRL DX 2003 CQ WW 2003 ARRL SS 2003 ARRL RR 2004 CQ WPX 2004 ARRL DX 2004 NAQP RTTY Feb 04 Various Contest

kc5ykx at swbell.net

ARRL Sweepstakes was the first contest I really made an effort to work. I did this one by myself at my house. I was really pleased with my results. I learned allot about when to change bands and when not to. The only thing that disappointed me about this effort was my antenna selection.  I only have a 10 meter vertical and a 40/80 meter trapped inverted vee up here at the moment. I am in the process of getting my HyGain TH3MK3 up. Needs some cleaning and new caps on the traps. The band conditions where great in this contest. I missed getting a sweep by 3 multipliers. The ones I missed where Maritime and Quebec in Canada and Northern New York here in the US. Not to bad for my first time in the SS phone. I was using the CCDXC call of KY5V for this one.

Equipment used:

Yaesu MKV FT-1000MP, A99 (10 & 15 meters) 40/80 trap inverted vee (20, 40 and 80 meters)

N1MM Logger


Band     QSOs     Mults     Totals

                                                                               3.5            14              3              84

                                                                                  7              82            15          2460

                                                                                14              53             4             424

                                                                                 21             67             4             536

                                                                                 28           239          51        24378

                                                                             Totals      455          77        70070

Placed 5th in the West Gulf Division

      My best rates:

2002-11-16 21:06 - 3.0 per minute (1 minute(s)), 180 per hour by KY5V

2002-11-16 21:15 - 2.2 per minute (10 minute(s)), 132 per hour by KY5V

2002-11-16 22:03 - 1.8 per minute (60 minute(s)), 105 per hour by KY5V

My best runs:

002-11-16 21:02 - 23:38, 28316 kHz, 209 Qs, 80.5/hr