O, the beauty of the morning sun as it rises in the sky, 
it reveals to all the world there is a God of love,
that money cannot buy.

There is the beauty of the sunset as it sinks behind 
the hill, for it brings to us thoughts of our God, and His
divine will.

And, O the beauty of the snowflake, as it
glistens in the night, for it seems to assure
us that everything's alright.

The night sky aglow with the brilliance of
the moon, makes me want to praise our God whom
we know is coming soon.

Through the beauty of all nature our Father reveals the wonder
of His love, and seeks to comfort us through the coo of
the mourning dove.

And, then there is the beauty of the tree with 
it's branches so sublime, reaching to the sky,
and pointing to our God, divine.

But the beauty of it all is the cross upon the
hill, where Jesus paid it all, and swallowed the
bitter pill.

He gave salvation to everyone who makes the choice
to serve, and he desires that all will come to
know Him, who live upon the earth.

-- Lee Davis
