In six days, the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is,
and everything that He had done looked as He knew it should.

For as He cast His eyes upon the beauty of it all, it gave Him great satisfaction,
and He pronounced it "Very good," as you recall.

And, then, to crown His mighty work He proclaimed a special time.
He set aside the seventh day, calling it the Sabbath, and gave it to mankind.

His purpose for the day, for He had a thought in mind, 
was to help us to remember Him as our Creator and Saviour, Divine.

He wanted something else attached to that special time, 
and that was a friendship with His children whom He loves so sublime.

He knew that through these sacred hours our love for Him would grow, 
as the closer we would walk with Him, His marvelous love we'd know.

He is an awesome God, that created heaven and earth, 
who hung the stars in place, and for whom the angels sang at birth

But, in all His majesty, he still considers us as "The crown of His creation,"
"The apple of His eye," and to Him, "His greatest worth."

-- Lee Davis