He speaks to me in the great oak tree,
and through a tiny grain of sand.
And when the wind blows free, His face
I see, and I feel His mighty hand.

There're so many ways He has of speaking
to me, with an assurance of His love.
and each time they're revealed to me,
It feeds me as manna from above.

God walks with me and talks with me,
how true those words are.
I see Him as I walk through the meadows,
or gaze on the mountains afar.

I hear Him speak to me in the babbling
brook, or through the quiet stream.
There are so many ways of revealing
His love, of which I can not dream.

He is a mighty God that created all,
but out of that might, most of all, He
has power over sin. He knocks at the 
door of the sinner's heart, and hopes
to be allowed to come in.

He never uses that power to force our
hand, or to make us worship Him. It's
our choice, and if we open that door,
a beautiful friendship will begin.

I thank you, My Lord, for your miraculous
love that will never ever end, and for
always being there for me when I'm in need.
My most beloved "Forever Friend."

-- Lee Davis
