August 2004 ARES News


Well, the warm time of year seems to be upon us. Haven’t we had great weather up until late July? Wow, it reminds me of earthquake weather. Fortunately there haven’t been many major temblors in the state. A couple of 4.0+ took place over the last month, however, nothing major to report. A great web site to check out and get up to date information about earthquakes is . There is even a link to allow you to send information should you experience the quake in real time.

Congratulations to Dave WA6BEF and Tom AD6N for submitting their 100% copy of the message sent in June. Stay tuned for the next net, Tuesday August 10. Frequency will be 145.31 and the net will take place at 2000 local time.

This is a quite time when a lot of us are headed out on vacation. Something to remember while on vacation is to pack an HT with some extra batteries. Not so much that you’re actually going to use it while getting away from everybody. A 2m HT can come in handy should an emergency or natural disaster occur while you’re away from home. Do a little preplanning and check out some of the frequencies/repeaters that are in the area you’re traveling. Find out if there is an IRLP link that you might be able to access while in the area.

I would like to send out a big thank you to several hams that helped on the recent fireworks patrol with CDF. A big thanks to Dave WA6BEF (net control), Scott KF6KMX, Scott KE6ITF, Ray KF6KMY, Bill KA6HGA, Jim KD5NED, and Hal KC5LUB. While we’ll never know how many injuries or fires were prevented by the patrols, everyone was a little safer because of your efforts. Thanks again and hope to see every one next year.

August will find us meeting on the fourth Thursday, (August 26) for a bring your own BBQ potluck. Bring something to BBQ, and a side dish to share. The BBQ will be fired up at about 17:30/18:00 in the park outside the Tulare County Board of Supervisors Conference Room.

73 de KC5LUB


August 13, 2004 Activation

The Tulare County Amateur Radio Emergency Service was activated briefly on Friday August 13, 2004. The Tulare-Kings Chapter of the American Red Cross contacted the Emergency Coordinator, Hal Clover KC5LUB, about mid-day. Dave McElroy WA6BEF headed to the Chapter headquarters in downtown Visalia while Al Drake, Jr., KJ6OH was stationed at the Springville Memorial Building which was set up by the Red Cross as the Evacuation Center. Several messages were passed between the two stations. The TCARES was deactivated approximately 1830 hours on the same date. Submitted by Ray Quinn KF6KMY