; QL-570-2.INI ; ; NOTE: THIS FILE WILL BE OVERWRITTEN BY PATCH INSTALLERS ; ; Setup for the Brother QL-570 label printer using DK-11201 (29mm x 90mm) / DK-1201 (1 1/7" x 3 1/2"). ; To ensure correct values for PrinterName and LabelType as defined in your Windows system, simply ; quit Win-EQF*, DELETE the lines PrinterName=... and LabelType=... in this file and then re-run ; Win-EQF* and try printing a label with your dedicated label printer, making sure you follow the ; on-screen instructions. ; ; NOTE: on some systems, the QL-570 is named "Brother QL-570" - on other systems it is known ; as "Brother QL-570 LE". [LABELSETUP] ;PrinterName=Microsoft XPS Document Writer PrinterName=Brother QL-570 LE LabelType=134 LabelOrientation=2 Column1X=30 Column2X=320 Column3X=670 XOffset1=120 XOffset2=110 XOffset3=110 XOffset4=150 Line1Y=0 Line2Y=61 Line3Y=109 Line4Y=157 Line5Y=215 Line6Y=265 BoxX1=0 BoxY1=0 BoxX2=980 BoxY2=305 BoxCorners=20 LineX1=0 LineY1=210 LineX2=980 LineY2=210 FontName_Callsign=Arial FontSize_Callsign=12 FontAttr_Callsign=1 FontName_QSODataLabels=Arial FontSize_QSODataLabels=10 FontAttr_QSODataLabels=1 FontName_QSOData=Arial FontSize_QSOData=10 FontAttr_QSOData=0 FontName_Comment=Arial FontSize_Comment=10 FontAttr_Comment=0 FontName_PrintedBy=Arial FontSize_PrintedBy=6 FontAttr_PrintedBy=0 Text_QSLReceived=TNX QSO es 73 DE %U. TNX QSL. ++ Text_QSLNotReceived=TNX QSO es 73 DE %U. PSE QSL. ++ Text_SWLCard=TNX SWL REPORT. 73 DE %U. ++ Text_Alternate=You can visit my webpage at http://www.mysite.com [MULTILABELSETUP] Column1X=30 Column2X=310 Column3X=440 Column4X=650 Column5X=800 Line1Y=5 Line2Y=66 Line3Y=114 Line4Y=162 Line5Y=210 Line6Y=267 BoxX1=0 BoxY1=0 BoxX2=980 BoxY2=62 BoxCorners=0 LineX1=0 LineY1=260 LineX2=980 LineY2=260 FontName_MultiQSOData=Courier New FontSize_MultiQSOData=9 FontAttr_MultiQSOData=0 ; Alternate multi-QSO label setup ;[MULTILABELSETUP] ;Column1X=30 ;Column2X=310 ;Column3X=440 ;Column4X=650 ;Column5X=800 ;Line1Y=5 ;Line2Y=66 ;Line3Y=114 ;Line4Y=162 ;Line5Y=210 ;Line6Y=263 ;BoxX1=0 ;BoxY1=0 ;BoxX2=980 ;BoxY2=305 ;BoxCorners=20 ;LineX1=0 ;LineY1=64 ;LineX2=980 ;LineY2=64 ;FontName_MultiQSOData=Arial ;FontSize_MultiQSOData=10 ;FontAttr_MultiQSOData=0