Photos posted Jimmy's Birth

Posted December 14, 1999.

Many of these images from the hours and days after Frank James (Jimmy) Billington V was born were posted previously, but were lost when the web site moved.  Here are the missing images restored, plus several other new ones not previously published online.

f5b-01.jpg (65048 bytes) Jimmy and dad, exhausted and fast asleep in the hospital.  We took the cue from mom, but then she woke up and snapped this photo.
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Mom and Jimmy.  Words do not do justice to these pictures, so I won't try.
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Genny was very excited about her new baby brother!!!
f5b-05.jpg (49462 bytes) This photo is among my personal favorites.
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Dad and Jimmy at the hospital.
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f5b-09.jpg (60720 bytes)
Brand new baby Billington!
f5b-10.jpg (68958 bytes) The happy family!
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Other posting dates:
February 12, 2003
February 6, 2003
January 2, 2003
December 31, 2002
July 24, 2001
July 18, 2001
July 16, 2001
December 26, 2000
July 11, 2000
June 14, 2000
May 30, 2000
May 5, 2000
April 28, 2000
February 17, 2000
January 27, 2000
December 14, 1999
December 10, 1999
November 26, 1999
November 5, 1999
August 13, 1999
Jimmy's Birth
Genny's Corner