A special web page + report Johann Gutenberg    


The printing press, it's not something people usually think about on a daily basis. It is what made it possible to mass produce books and media. Before he invented this wonder of it's time, books had to be hand written my monks and only a select few with enough money could own any books at all. For example a minister used to wear a chain around his bible because it was so valuable.(Marsh) More commonly called typography, it is the art of using an apparatus for making movable metal letters or type, and using that to create many copies of a page, for a book. The first of such books would be the 42-line Bible and the Catholicon (an encyclopedia dictionary compiled in the 13th century by Joannes Balbar) invented the press before August 15, 1456 by the first Bible printed. Early on the number of lines in a book was it's identifier until books with the same amount of lines came to be, then that was abandoned. Before Gutenberg invented this and other inventions, he was a trained goldsmith, and a skilled metal technician. The ornaments he used were cut into a metal plate and a relief plate was made from it by an embossing process. The way that this was organized was three workmen besides the compositor, and a supply of other workers to keep clean paper and ink ready. Gutenberg was truly a visionary when he designed this machine.


Early Life

Life as a young man

The Productive years

Old Age



Full paper in "proper format"

Before the introduction of the printing press by Johann Gutenberg, the tasks of making books was tedious and laborious. It was also very expensive to own a book, the price of a good book was that of a small farm.(Schorerer 8)It had been customary, in the case of books bound in leather, to impress upon the top cover of the title of the text within, or the name of that author, by using brass punches with the letters of the alphabet. Also in the beginning there was a possible method of cutting a whole page of lettering on a block of wood, which would be very inefficient.