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We are proud to welcome you to the website of the League of Young Radio Amateurs - Indiana Section!

Our own Christopher Arthur, KT4XA, is NewsLine Young Ham of the Year!

Who we are:
We are the largest group of youth amateur radio operators in the United States.
We are dedicated to the advancement of youth participation in amateur radio.
Why are we here?
The League of Young Radio Amateur's mission is to be an organization
for the advancement and acceptance of youth in amateur radio, and to
provide a medium for the exchange of ideas between hams who are 21 and younger
and their mentors who volunteer time on this website.

The League of Young Radio Amateurs was founded in 1998 by Christopher Arthur, KT4XA.
Christopher is still very active in the League of Young Radio Amateurs.
Chris started with a vision to create the largest club for young hams in the United States,
he has not only accomplished that goal, but we are the single largest national young amateur's
society in the entire world. Chris helped us become very instrumental in founding of the
International Youth Communications Council, for which he is our representative.

Copyright � 2000 The League of Young Radio Amateurs/ All Rights Reserved.