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I retired  after 25 years being employed with the State of Indiana in April, 1997. It is nice to have more time for the amateur radio hobby. I received my first amateur radio license in 1979 and have enjoyed it very much. My only regret is that I didn't get into it sooner. .I hold an Advance Class license. I have been a member of the American Radio Relay League since 1979 when I first got my license. 
I have enjoyed the hobby and have found it a great diversion from all other concerns getting immersed in good qso's  and rare dx. The hobby has so many different avenues of interest, I recommend it to everyone.
I operate an ICOM 746 HF radio usually on the 40 Meter band with a bazooka antenna.   I also operate on 20 meters with a Kenwood 520s HF radio with a 3 element yagi antenna.
I served aboard the USS Sicily CVE 118 and the USS Gardiners Bay AVP 39 during the Korean War.
I am a member of the Navy Amateur Radio Club that meets daily on the 40 meter band (7.245 kz) Member #476
It doesn't take much to make a common man content but just give him a truck  that runs good and you will make him happy forever!  :-)