kb9rmt.bmp (532278 bytes)




Welcome to my webpage. My name is c. Fred Neff. I live in Ft. Pierce, Florida. I am currently a General Class licensed radio amateur. I hope to attain Extra Class licensure sometime this year. My favorite rig is a Collins KWM2A which I inherited from my grandfather shortly before he went SK. I use an assortment of homebrew antennas for HF, which is a current "works-in-progress" that never seems to end. I am looking for a "basket-case" 30L-1 for as little money as possible. I have been a paramedic for nearly twenty years, and I figure it’s past time for me to resurrect a "Frankenstein" project from the dead, and I desperately need POWER!
Who can help me in my search for a "corpse"?

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