UK Travel Tips for Americans

This is a list of some of the things an American traveler may find strange when visiting the UK. It is also full of tips on how to fit in and not stand out as tourists. There is also a lot of good practical advice in here as well. This list was written by 3 Americans with help from some of their British co-workers. It is purely from an American perspective and was written for an appreciation of the differences between our cultures and not as a criticism. We have tried to put Britishisms in Italics so you can start to recognize them.


The Flight to the UK

Telling Time



Your American Accent


The Pub


Politeness and Etiquette

Fast Food




Customs and Immigration


If you are a shotgun shooter you may wish to consider trying out "Sporting" (sporting clays) while you stay in England.  The English are some of the finest wing shooters in the world and often are the winners of international competitions.  It is not impossible to bring your shotgun with you, in fact it is not that difficult.  You will need to apply for a Visitors Shotgun Permit and you can find all the information you need at the CPSA web site.

I have not hunted in the UK however I have friends who did hunt in Scotland and were able to obtain a permit to bring their rifles with them.  The CPSA web site above also has the forms you need to get a Visitors Firearms Permit. 

If you do take a firearm to the UK (after you get your Visitors Permit) make sure when you leave the USA you get your firearms export card from Customs or you will have great difficult trying to bring your firearm back home!


Last Modified: Thursday, February 13, 2003 11:54:38 -0500

$Revision: 1.6 $