I am Don Carle. I live in Illinois. I operate on the 2 meter band..
i also use the 10 meter band ( when it is open) hehehe.
I am a ragchewer and paper chaser.. hehe just call me ratchet jaw..
I have been a ham for 10 years,
First licensed as KB2CKM.
I would like to thank KB9LOA for the help with this page.
Send any comments, or suggestions for links to the address below. TNX!
73's to ya...
Here are some of my links... I hope you enjoy them.
You Might Be a Citified Pansy.
Worldwide Callsigns at Buck
FTP Downloads
ARRL Mir locator at NASA
 QRZ Callsign Database
KG0ZZ's "You Know You Might Be A Ham When...
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