Minuets of the Last BAARC Meeting 

Meeting was called to order by Jan n8tnk at 7:30,
Secretary report was given by Chuck kc8iuo. Motion to accept by Paul kc8elq ,
and seconded by Marsha, kc8eyg. Treasurers report was given by Joe kc8gtz
and motion to accept by Paul kc8elq, and seconded by Bob kc8ahp,
Paul gave a report on the repeater as to what needed to be done and how
much it would cost to fix it. Paul was going to look into a pancake breakfast
with the Bangor twp. fire department.
A vote was taken and the re

sults for officers was,
Pres. Jeff k8jsl
Vice Pres. Jan n8tnk
Secretary Chuck kc8iuo
Treasurer Joe kc8gtz
3 year trustee Neal kc8hbf
2 year trustee Steve kb8ytc
1 year trustee Paul kc8elq
50/50 was won by Dave n8reb. Five of which was gave back to the club.
k8xd has given two radios to the club for whatever purpose we need to do with
them. A motion was made by Dean kc8bgk and seconded by Joe kc8gtz , that
Jeff can do with them, what he thinks best. The Christmas party will by held at
Kryziak on Dec. 2 at 7:30 P.

M. Please e-mail Jan at n8tnk or
phone her at 752-9209 if you are able to attend.
There were 18 members in attendance. There will be a meeting in November but
not in December.
A motion was made to adjourn by Paul kc8elq, and seconded Jan n8tnk.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35
Net controls
Oct. 17 Leonard kc8eun
Oct 24 Dean kc8bgk
Oct 31 Jeff k8jsl
Nov 2 Tom n3vix