'70 Chevelle Malibu [24.9k]

This car is my pride and joy. I purchased it when I was 15 from my Grandmother for $500. After that we took it out to Langer's Body Shop where I lived for the next 2 months. Every day I would get up and go work on repairing the dents and minor rust spots on the body under the instruction of my Uncle, Harry Langer.

At first I thought he was just being an ass making me go over the same spots again and again, but after a while I learned to see with my hands the things that I could not see with my eyes. I learned that each of those little waves that I had learned to look for would stand out like a sore thumb after painted.

After that I drive it for a while until the engine started giving me fits and I began work on a new engine for it. A high-performance 327 that was Nitrous ready. I assembled the engine in 20 hours, working all night. I don't recommend this because in the wee hours of the morning things are hard to see and I managed to slice the tip of one of my fingers off. After having that put back together I went back to work. We set it in the same afternoon. She was beautiful, ran good, but didn't quite have the power I expected. There had to be more to it, I just couldn't figure out what.

As all good things do, that finally came to an end in 1995. After a tear-down of the engine it appeared I had mis-torqued a connecting rod bolt and it had come unscrewed. The rod came lose and was smashed into the cylinder wall by the crank. It was over.

I am awaiting financial stability so begin construction on another engine. This time I am going to take my time in assembly and have it professionally tuned.

It will run wild on the streets once again!

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