This  material started from  a talk that was given Oct. 18 1997 at the Genealogy Seminar in Grants Pass, Oregon.  I have added to the page as I found new sites.

For instance here are a few sites I have found since the seminar.  Yahoo has a list of   Genealogy Sites  already for you in a list format.  Most of those below are listed there.  Then there is the National Archives and Records Administration's   Genealogy Page .  Neat spot. After Chistmas I found a really interesting site.  Lines and Lineage

New site I found in March, 98. is called  Gedcom to HTML ...  It creates on a home page all your surnames that click to info about how the name fits into your family tree.  Looks really neat.  Check it out.

And here is a search engine you can access right from this page. Please note that it will show where there is information regarding the name you put in the search.. There are some free places like the WWI Draft Papers that are free. Access to all the files can be purchased with a membership.






June 98
The Big Dummy's guide is a complete dummys book with a great explanation of the functions of the internet for newbies and old timers alike
 BIG DUMMY'S GUIDE TO THE INTERNET  This is a full Dummys book, give it time to load.

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This site is a store selling books. You can put in a surname and it shows you the name of the book they have regarding that surname. Found this in Aug, 98.

And again here in August of 98 I found a search engine that seems to run really well for genealogy searches.

I put in the search box the work genealogy followed by the name I was interested in finding. Give it a shot.



Here we go.....
We  really are casting out lures into the waters of the internet and trying to catch an ancestor or two.  Sometimes we troll and sometimes we use bait  We use bait by using a  HOME PAGE.  So create a homepage and get the home page linked to as many sites as possible, thus spreading the word.  A homepage will set there just like a trot line and maybe get a response or two.

I have found that search engines, if I put a surname and the word genealogy, will bring up my homepage and other homepages.  Try say,"Greenlee Genealogy", as the words to search for in your search engine.  I  highly recommend  WEB FERRET as a topnotch search engine .

 DEJANEWS   is a search engine for the Newsgroups.  Type "genealogy" in the search space.  There will be a great many sites shown.  After you look them over you will notice that people have sent the same message to many different news groups asking folks to go to there homepage to check for ancestors.  This certaily has the effect of advertising the homepage.

While in Dejanews put in the surname of an ancestor, you might get lucky.

Now here are some ways we can troll the net doing all the work ourselves.

Put in the surname, then an area such as a state.  This will give the names and addresses of all those surnames in the state.   I did that for Peregoy in Virginia and found forty two Peregoys listed.  We sent the same snail mail letter to all these folks telling of our search for Great Grandmother Peregoy.   We received  about ten replies and found a lost cousin and a Peregoy Newsletter.  It was well worth the  effort. Oh yes, we found Great Grandmother's family and many ancestors.

 Alta Vista   This is the master search page and you can find all the potential of Alta Vista here.
     After loading, put the surname you are looking for in the search bar and enter.  If too many answers come back,  put in a first name. Or add a  + sign and type the name of the state or county.  This will find references to the name in that state or county.  Many times online genealogy sites come up that include your name.   You need to put the name in quotes as say "Joseph Peregoy"

Reviewing this site will answer most of your questions and tell you how to become a member.
In order to use the site below, you must first become a member.

THIS IS THE WORKING SITE OF GENSERVE Requires $ and gedcom.file

A new working site in the genserve system is called  MATCH .  This allows you to put in one surname at a time and then it will check all of the databases against yours and come up with all the surnames in the data base that match your data base with in one year on the birthdate.  Really cool.
There are lots of "lists" on the WWW. A list is a bulletin board place where people post their inquiries.  It is the same principle as the bulletin board at  the corner market where folks pin up a 3 X 5 card with some statements they wish to announce to the world.

For people who are working on a surname, these lists provide a method of getting, or sending, information on the surname in question.  Posting and reading messages are free.  Many of the lists are found on this site along with easy instruction on how to subscribe and unsubscribe.

Different from the world wide web or WWW are the IRC chat rooms or places to chat.
This site is a master page designed to help he beginner.
In order to work chat, you will need a chat program.  Most use mIRC.
$20.00 and worth it
Their homepage is :

Once you get the program working, use the dalnet server and when connected get into #genealogy-help.  Most of the time there are folks there ready to help the beginner.  Knicknames  or nicks are used.  I use Cuyama as it represents a place I used to live.  Lady with the nick of turp is an excellent teacher.
 This is the homepage for  #Genealogy-Help.  The Chat page on Dalnet
The Broederbund Company has a commercial venture going.  They sell a genealogy program with affiliated services such as cdrom disks full of things like census reports etc.  This is their
introductory page

There are a great many home pages on the internet devoted mostly to genealogy.  The Southern Oregon PAF Users Group has a home page with many links
Here are a few more.
 Cyndi's List
 Genealogy is my Hobby
 Utah Paf Users Group
Neat site is Four11. Just put in a surname in the power search box and put a check or bullseye in "interests" box then type genealogy in the box below.  If you get a lot of hits on a single surname, you can also put the name of a State in the box thus localizing your search.
Free  Be sure to enter as much material about your hobbies such as your surnames.  This makes it easier for folks to find you..  Many list the names they are researching.  Be sure and list your high school. Also list  Genealogy as a hobby.

ROOTS.  A major player is Rootswebb. This is their homepage.
 $ required amount depends on services you desire.
 Rootsweb Homepage

This is the "name search" url in Roots.


This is a pay by the month service called "Ancestry Hometown".
You may like it..

Now we go into new country.  FTP or file transfer protocol.  This a a method of searching the net but has faster downloading for big files than the WWW.  This is also the program most of us use to upload our homepage material to the homepage that our providers furnish.  It is called WS_FTP.

Using my student body card privileges, I downloaded WS_FTP from

I will try to explain its functions as I found them... First screen we see is the "Session Properties"Screen.  It is here you are able to tell the program who you want to be connected to. After you are connected you  get a split screen.  On the left is an explorer type screen of your hard drive and on the right is the same type screen of the site you connected to.  Explore around this new site and select the files you wish to download to your hard drive.  On the left select a directory where you want these files to go when you hit the download arrow.  Then hit the down load arrow pointing to the left.  Whiz   instead of the www download rate of say 2.4, the rate can be up to 40.0   Fast. This is also the program that many people use to send and edit material to their home page.

The National Genealogy Association ftp address is
A good one is

Notice that these two are not linked or clickable as a www site.  You  just need to put them, one at a time, in the WS_FTP address book.  (Copy  and paste will work)

Dick Eastman writes a weekly newsletter covering events in the genealogical field as they occur.
 Eastman News Letter
And this url is where you subscribe to the Eastman Letter.
For the folks interested in internet help especially in Kentucky, here is  THE PLACE

 Net Guide to Genealogy

 Back to my home page at    HERE