A K S  
I am quite thankful that you have looked at my website here at QSL.NET.   There’s always going to be some good things happening, but we do face some problems also.  Some will shrug it off, but face it, our spectrum is slowly being auctioned off by the Godfathers of communications.

  Its hard to believe that we have had to fight so hard to keep the spectrum we hold dear now.  With the inventions of GPS, Paging, Cell Phones, and greediness of others to scoop up frequencies and sell them to the highest bidder, just for a profit, and no return for hams, our spectrum is declining.  

 Just about every other day, there is someone looking greedily at our shrinking broadcast bands.  Some companies with deep pockets are offering huge amounts of money to get these frequencies allotted to them.  Some have succeeded, and the hams once again, have lost out.

   Call your congressman, your senator, and even the president to get this insidious, abomination to STOP ! or else we may lose our beloved spectrum forever.   Some have even looked greedily at our coveted 2 Meter, 220, and 440 bands with much avarice, just waiting to make a claim that they are “no longer needed or used little” so they may stick there whatever they wish.

     Do NOT let this happen.  When you hear of such atrocities happening, don’t be afraid to speak up !   As a lady told me once, and I do believe this,  you got to SPEAK UP to be heard, STAND UP to be counted, and SHUT UP to be appreciated.


                                                                   LOVE  572B tubes !!


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Svetlana 572-B
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