If your laid off

What you should do if your laid off

these ideas are just jokes please don't take them seriously

Take pictures

This is always a good idea even if you know you have good job security. when your company has Christmas party's,picnics or luncheons; be sure to take as many group photos as you can with your higher up managers. if possible take some with your arms around your managers or shaking hands (managers love to shake hands). once you have the pictures pick the best one and have it enlarged and printed on a white T-shirt. when you have this shirt always carry it with you at all times at work. when you think your days are numbered ware it underneath your regular shirt. If you are marched into the conference room to be lay-ed off immediately ware the shirt with the big photo and look real sad. be sure to shake and give your managers a hug with a real sad face and your shirt with your upper managers and you smiling.

Pan handle

If your are laid off stand outside or near your work place with a sign saying "just laid off and broke" and a cup for spare change. walk around and try to bug anyone entering your former work place. you probably wont get any money but that isn't the whole point of the matter anyways. the whole plan is to make the former employees feel guilty as much as possible.

Fake a heart attack

when you are told that you no longer work for your employer immediately faint and fall down on the floor. if you are light weight and a heart attack might not be to believable drop on the floor and convolute like someone that is epileptic.

Cause traffic jams

remember when your are laid off the common working person is your enemy your are no longer one of them. they are there to pay your unemployment. get your old junkie car and have it break down during rush hour especially near your former employers.

Email your resume

email your resume 500 times to your former employer. when there is a job fair and your former employer is there be sure to bug the crap out of them and all of the people that are interested in your old company. register as many free email addresses as you can change the name on all of them and change the name on the resume. then send your resume again 500 times again from all of the different email address to your former employer.