Neal's Ideas


Some of these ideas would never be feasible but they would be cool if they happened. It may also be possible that some of these ideas have already been done.

1. Pay to smash stuff

I can't really take credit for this I just want to add to the idea. I am positive that someone could easily buy all of the useless junk at flea markets and yard sales and combine them in a decent size warehouse. Then put a $20.00 cover charge at the door, and give each person a bat or sledge hammer to bash the crap out of a selected amount of stuff. I once was a destructive teenager and knew a lot of other destructive teenagers I am sure this would be big. Every person would have to sign a release stating that they are aware of the dangers of breaking things and son on. Each night the broken mess would be cleaned up and sorted into recycling bins. When a recycled amount gets to a certain weight it could be taken to a plant to be cashed out. If there is any thing left that can't be recycled it would have to be hauled to a local dump. Now I know that there are a lot of things that would be road blocks in the way of this idea,

- I know that although each person signs a release ultimately some one can still sue.
- I'm not to sure that some parents would let their children smash things in contrast to keeping kids
off the streets. This is very similar to the idea of legalizing prostitution to decrease sexual crimes.

2. Drunk driving course

No, this has nothing to do with a mandatory class that the MVA gives to people arrested by DUI. This would take place on a closed course and would contain a working old junk car. each person would have to complete a number of obstacles placed all over the closed course. Before a paying customer enters a vehicle they have to be legally drunk. Then they would have to drive though the course with out hitting anything or smashing into anything. This would continue until the person is unable to control the vehicle at all. This could be a contest where the winner would get a trophy and an alcoholics anonymous pamphlet. This would be a fun course to have near a beach somewhere where a lot of people would be there to get smashed. Every time a paying customer would drive on this course they would be taped and archived. Every week or weekend the most funniest tapes would be selected and then combined with other best of tapes for a drunk driving compilation video. then be distributed for $20.00 at a local video store. I dont think real drunk driving on the open road is funny at all; in fact it is very sad to put a person or persons in danger just because they cant cope with what life gives them. This course may make an alcoholic aware of their problem. Now once again I know that there are some major issues with this idea,

- Im not to sure if this is even legal at all (not much I could do to remedy this).
- I could see a lot of people getting hurt badly a answer to this problem would be
to make the course very muddy so no one could drive very fast. This may slow down
the injuries but not deplete them completely.

3. Random excuse generator

This would be a web site that you click on which would generate a random excuse that could possibly be used in a situation. All this would take is a simple perl script that would generate key phrases into a sentence. This site would be for comical relief. I dont actually expect for someone to use this as a real tool; although it would be very funny.

4. A universal translation device

communication is a big problem all over the would in some cases English is a universal language but it is still not quite the answer. Some countries have very talented people that are unable to communicate with other people in another county that are in desperate need of their services. Example: deep in brazil there is a brilliant mechanical engineer that has solved many complex problems and is looking for a good challenge, meanwhile some where in Egypt there are plant engineers faced with a extremely complex problem. This device would be a revolutionary piece of equipment that would change the way we think of others (possibly).

- This idea is quite laughable in many asppects
- this sounds too much like a Microsoft .NET commercial
- this also sounds like a IBM universal business adapter
- this device probably will never exist simply because
it just isn't feasible but in some cases every one in the
world is still human and ultimately wants a lot of the same things.

5. bid collector

This is something that I have needed many times. I have spent a lot energy and time on collecting information on computer hardware and software. This application would accept a part number or a model number and search the web for a price on the part/model number. Once each price is identified the location of the part is also saved and counted. The results of the prices and number of places that sell the parts would be estimated as an average price quote.

- This application would only be good if more companies placed their prices online.
- Dealing with sales people really sucks because you don't know whether to believe them or not.