Jim's Amateur Radio Web Page

I do service work on bank equipment for a great company. My territory is normally Sussex County in Delaware, but, at times, it covers all of the Great State of Delaware,  so, needless to say I drive a lot.

Back on the air, both mobile and fixed.  I have a Yaesu FT-100D mounted in my company Ford E-150 cargo van with HamSticks (20/40/80 Meters) and an MFJ manual tuner.  At home I have a Yaesu FT-747GX and a Butternut HF6V also with an MFJ tuner.

I have been enjoying county hunting as well as checking into the 3905-Century Club and HHH Nets lately.  I am working slowly toward USA-CA, but am also trying to get wallpaper from the Century Club and HHH nets.  I have been very active lately and immensely enjoying my modest stations.

Freemasonry has found its way back into my life.  I have been a member of Tularosa # 49 in Tularosa, New Mexico for over 16 years.  I  am also a dual member in Hope # 4 in Laurel, Delaware.  I have also recently been accepted into Hiram's Hams Amateur Radio Society and have checked into the Masonic Fellowship Nets from time-to time

I will be going back to Ohio the first and third weeks in February for some more training.  A long trip both ways, but I plan on running counties.

Should you need any of the counties local to me (or even the states), please drop me an e-mail and I'll do my best to accommodate you.  I am good for SSB or PSK-31 (fixed only).  I use CHARS for my MRCs and am good in the Century Club and HHH bureaus.  QRZ.com information is updated regularly.

73 and take good care,


      UPDATED:  Monday, November 23, 2003

No animals were killed or otherwise harmed in the creation of this web page
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