Barns' Home Page<br> New Providence Amateur Radio Club

Bob Barns' Home page (first try at .htm)

Obviously, this is a work in progress--musn't sneer at a beginner
This is size h5. H5, that is
This page mostly as a stash for digital pictures

Most (probably all) of the pics were taken with a Kodak DC-120 ($400 reconditioned, from Kodak + $60 for a wall-wart). It has 1.2 million pixels (I haven't counted them--that's what the spec. sheet sez). This is gross overkill for Web pictures. The pics here were reduced in size using LVIEW and further reduced by specs. in the .HTML code.

Most of these pics are about 40k.

Now get 800-53.jpg (38k) and show the meeting (size is h3)
Pic of meeting
This motley crew at the 1st Feb. meeting

Press this to get Andy, Club President