(03/10/01) - Welcome To KB1GJQ's Site On QSL.NET .... Right now I am making scripts and other useful tools to make this website better to us all...

Whats Expected:
- Flash Menu's
- Voting Scripts
- Practice Flash Tests
- Ham Radio Mod's
- Message Boards
- Events taking place in Western Mass
- Links To Other sites


(03/10/01) - MTARA ( Mount Tom Amateur Repeater Assn.) is having their HAM Fest located at Amherst on Sunday, March 11th. Please check out Http://www.mtara.org for more information.

- Http://www.mtara.org - Mt. Tom Amateur Repeater Assn
- Http://www.arrl.org - American Radio Relay League, Inc.
- Http://www.qsl.net - My Webpage Host
- Http://www.qrz.com - Popular Ham Site